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'ello? 'ello? 'ello? Is that the Wedding, then?
You hear them at champagne-flowing parties. You hear them in crowded trains. You hear them in bumpy buses. And much, much too often you hear them at weddings. They're a curse and abomination to many people everywhere, but to a couple about to be married, they're the absolute limit. The organ bursts into a triumphant wedding march, followed almost immediately by a high-pitched ring-ring, ring-ring of a mobile phone. "The wedding's just started," you hear someone affecting a whisper. "Call you back in a tick." "I, Michael, take you, Wendy, to be my lawfully, wedded wife." Ring-ring, ring-ring, from another direction. "Sorry about that, folks, forgot to switch off my mobile." The celebrant pauses, greeted by breathless anticipation, but as he is about to make the solemn pronouncement, several mobiles go off at the same time. One is just the ordinary, penetrating shrill, the other begs Polly to put the kettle on so we can all have tea. It should have been expected that this state of affairs could not, and would not be borne. As I speak, the fight against the invasion at weddings of the evil mobile is well in hand. Keep an eye on the order of service that's going to hit you at the next wedding you're attending and don't be surprised if it goes something like this:- (a) Opening song performed by Dimity, the bride's sister. (b) Call to prayer by Reverend Marsden, the groom's uncle. (c) Call to switching off mobile phones by the MC. To reinforce the idea that mobiles will not be welcome at the wedding, couples now place on their invitation, just under the RSVP, a very distinct PS, "Please leave your mobile at home". But because obsessions are obsessions, are obsessions, the bride and groom determined to have their guests talk to each other rather than into their mobile, have evolved yet another strategy. As each guest is about to enter the room, he or she is presented with a long-stemmed red rose by a charming little flower girl. While the guest's attention is thus diverted, the best man or the maid of honour, depending on the sex of the guest, remove any mobiles detected on the person concerned. Immediately confiscated, the mobile is returned to the guest at the end of the festivities. And if, as sometimes happens despite all precautions taken, the solemnity of the ceremony is broken by either a ring, or some light-hearted ditty, before the guest so much as moves his hand towards the sock where he's secreted the offending piece of plastic, he is quickly seized by a couple of burly ex-footballers, and ejected unceremoniously from the room. So let it happen to every wedding guest who forgets to abide by the wedding guest code, "While at a wedding, I shall speak to every other guest at least once, and two or three times if practicable, and will not use a mobile at all". Vlady is an Australian Civil Marriage Celebrant. She is an author of two books "The Complete Booke of Australian Weddings" and the Small Organisation Handbook. Vlady is a member the Queensland Civil Marriage Celebrants Association and Celebrants Training Association. She is also a member of Australian Authors and Romance Writers of Australia Association. You can visit Vlady at her website http://www.vlady-celebrant.com
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All kidding aside - this is certainly a momentous occasion, and for your wedding reception Las Vegas has the expertise to make it perfect.In Las Vegas, wedding receptions of all flavors are a very familiar request, so most hotels have full-time staff dedicated to helping people like you plan and prepare for the event. 10 Secrets to a Successful Stress-Free Wedding Your wedding is supposed to be the most important day in a your life, and yet for many, just getting there in one piece is harder than fitting stilettos on an elephant. Why is it so difficult? The biggest problem is stress and how the interplay of all the different participants at your wedding adds or subtract from that stress. 'ello? 'ello? 'ello? Is that the Wedding, then? You hear them at champagne-flowing parties. You hear them in crowded trains. Marriage Counseling: What Do Wives Really Want in a Husband? Part One Numerous men have pondered the questions, "Why does my wife say she's unhappy? What does she want that I'm not doing?" Many of the men raising these questions have been blindsided by a wife's confession that she's not happy in the marriage and wants a separation or divorce. I've seen many examples of this dynamic in marriage counseling sessions that I've conducted. Marriage: Where is the Fairy Tale? "Presently, 40% of all first marriages in this country end in divorce. 60% of all second marriages and 75% of third marriages fail as well. Intimacy, What is It Really? Simply put, intimacy is more than sex or making love. It's more than the physical or even emotional connection you feel with your partner. Wedding Flowers: How It Emulates Your Personality Your wedding day, what is presumed to be the happiest day and the start of your new life. The excitement of all the preparations, and so many things to do to make it perfection. Choosing the Perfect Wedding Gown Selecting a wedding gown is possibly one of the most exciting things for a bride to do. It's one of the most fun aspects of preparing your wedding. Design Your Own Beautiful Wedding Ring It used to be that if you wanted to buy a nice custom-made wedding ring, you'd have to visit some fancy high-end jewelry store and be willing to part with a large portion of your wedding budget.Well that's still the case for some people, but thanks to our modern times it's now possible for you and anyone else who wants a custom wedding ring to create a unique diamond wedding ring from the comfort of your own home. Rockland: Maines BestKept Secret for A Wedding Destination In 2004' Rockland Maine celebrated its 150th anniversary, yet very few in the past would have ever considered it to be a place for a vacation, let alone a romantic getaway experience or wedding destination.Perhaps, this is a draw back to the time when visitors would experience the unpleasant whiffs emanating from the SeaPro fish-rendering plant. Emotional Infidelity: A KEY Tactic to Save the Marriage Hearing that your cheating spouse is "in love" with someone else is devastating. I hear often, "I can handle her having sex with someone else. Planning a Special Wedding Shower The wedding shower is a traditional party of the marriage process. Often times the bridal party, or the people who have been asked to be in the wedding, will through the party for the couple. How to Write a Love Letter Let's talk about writing love letters.Not candy coated pap. Flower Girl Flowers There are many options available to adorn your flower girl with flowers! Here are some creative ideas to consider for the flower girl in your wedding party.A popular idea is to have your flower girl carry a decorative basket with rose petals. Wedding Reception Entertainment - Choose Wisely When planning your wedding, what type of entertainment are you looking for? A comedian? A clown? A 3-ring circus? Of course not ? you are looking for high quality entertainment that is tailored to your vision for this once-in-a-lifetime event. Your wedding reception entertainment should tie together all the things you have been dreaming of for many, many months. The History of Engagement Rings and Wedding Bands These days, many people take wedding bands and engagement rings for granted, and although they give these beautiful items of jewellery with integrity and love, they are often given with no real knowledge of the meaning behind them.Both wedding bands and engagement rings are very special items of jewellery; in fact, they are more than just jewellery - they are the symbols of many emotions and promises such as:LoveCommitmentFidelityEternityHonourBut where - and why - did these popular and sentimental pieces of jewellery stem from?The History Of Wedding BandsThese items of jewellery have a history that spans many centuries and passes through many countries from all around the planet. Toss a Garter or Two The tempo of the music begins to rise. Drums begin to throb. Wedding Etiquette for the Best Man, Groomsmen, and Ushers Undoubtedly, the groom will want to choose a few good men-often his brothers, college buddies, and best friends-to carry out all of the responsibilities traditionally assigned to the guys. Once your fiancé has picked his team, he'll have to give them a few pointers on just what their roles and responsibilities are, so here's the lowdown. ![]() |
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