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28 Things That Really Do Matter In Marriage (Short Shots On Living An Exceptional Life)
In my opinion, these things matter... 1. Valuing commitment over instant pleasure and faithfulnessbeyond short term displeasure. 2. Telling less than I feel for the purpose of learningmore than I know. 3. Choosing to have mutual conflict become the playingfield where we celebrate victory as opposed to the battlefield where the only winners are division and discord. 4. Delighting in the dream of another -- not necessarilybecause I share the dream but because I'm in love with theone who owns it. 5. Appreciating what I do well in the face of what theother does better -- and doing so without downplayingeither. 6. Calling it a night before calling it off. 7. Reinforcing habits that heal and breaking habits thatmake healing necessary. 8. Misplacing grudges more often and finding praises moreoften than not. 9. Making honor a way of seeing, 13. Striving to win as a team instead of simply striving towin. 14. Saying "I love you" more often -- without saying it. 15. Keeping a better score of what was done right than whatwasn't done "as right as I would like." 16. Misplacing "You should have" more and finding "I'm gladyou did" more often. 17. Developing and maintaining our own mutual admirationsociety. 18. Helping when I can, 21. Speaking truth without a hurtful agenda and laying asideconflicting agendas for the sake of loving in truth. 22. Hating the word "betrayed" and choosing to join forcesin waging a war against all it represents. 23. Loving for all the relationship is worth -- because itreally is worth it all. 24. Working hard at words that work well instead of makingit hard because "working hard at the relationship" is not inmy vocabulary. 25. Realizing that forgiveness doesn't automatically makeeverything right -- it simply creates a more solidfoundationfor the remainder of the journey. 26. Learning how to laugh, cry, struggle, shout, pout,fight, celebrate and rejoice as a couple that cares asopposed to one that cares not at all. 27. Realizing there is no such thing as a "50/50"relationship in marriage. It's a "110/110" deal. We giveour all -- and then some -- in order to make it all workout. 28. Choosing to make laughter, encouragement, joy, andmutual expressions of love permanent residents in our homeinstead of guests we hope will some day arrive. ____________________________________ Avoid pain/create pleasure. For A Beautiful Moment In Time
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These customized invitations use music and images, photo montage and video, to tell the couple's story and provide a personal invite to their wedding. Choosing The Right Music For Your Wedding OverviewI suppose a typical Christian wedding in the UK can be divided into 4 main sections and these are:The ceremonyPre-meal drinksWedding breakfastEvening receptionI suppose about half of the weddings I come across have the ceremony in a church so this means that if they do require me to provide live music; it will be during the drinks before the meal and the wedding breakfast. Everyone's requirements are different so don't be afraid to discuss any special requirements with whoever your hiring. A Wedding Shower Invitation Should Be Attractive And Stylish! Wedding shower invitations should lay out all of the necessary information, yet still be attractive. One way to do this is to have a picture engraved on the invitation. 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Whether you plan to marry on a beach at noon or at night under the stars, by keep your makeup simple you will look and feel great. Lighting The Way When Two Become One Whether you want to add a little extra romance to an evening reception or a little glow to your house of worship, candles are a natural, effortless addition to your wedding theme. You'll have no trouble finding a role for candles at the wedding ceremony, at the reception, and even as part of the floral displays. Marriage A Menace Apparently for a person to get married is like burning the candle at both ends. No one can say that what particularly is the meticulous age to get married but people in our society have set age limits for a person to get married and it has now become a common tendency that if a person crosses a certain limit he or she has to die in harness. Cheap Wedding Invitations Your wedding invitations are your announcement to family and friends of your wedding date. A special day you want them to remember as the best wedding they've ever been to. 28 Things That Really Do Matter In Marriage (Short Shots On Living An Exceptional Life) In my opinion, these things matter.. ![]() |
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