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Wedding Anniversary Symbols
Most people are aware that significant wedding anniversaries such as 25th and 40th are linked to precious stones, in these cases silver and ruby. However, it is less well known that all anniversaries up to and including the 15th, and then every 5th anniversary, have their own particular symbol. The list below shows the symbol traditionally associated with each anniversary. ANNIVERSARY 1st - Paper The Silver (25th) and Golden (50th) Anniversaries appear to be the most traditional. In Central Europe going back hundreds of years a man would present his wife with a silver or golden garland to mark the occasion of their anniversary. The other materials have been added to the list more recently, and there is now a more modern list which incorporates the missing years 16-19. Amazingly, a ten carat diamond has been added for a 100th Wedding Anniversary! How many couples will get that far? The traditional version is still preferred by most people. **************************************************************** Author: Tony Luck who runs an online Personalized Gift Shop.
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Creative Wedding Cards You invitation is a reflection on the type of wedding its going to be weather it be formal, informal or themed this will be transparent in the invitation. The invitation is the only essential stationary required everything else is optional. A Wedding Theme Can Rescue Your Wedding from Being Another Ho-Hum-Boring Disaster Are you a Bride-to-Be? Wonderful! Congratulations! But what's that enormous cloud hanging over you? Of course! It's that insurmountable task you're thinking about all the time: "How am I going to create a beautiful and memorable Wedding Day out of thin air?"You have to create a unique day that everyone will admire and enjoy, and you've not got a clue, not a smidgen of an idea how you're going to achieve this enormous task.If you're nervous about getting your wedding perfect, if you're feeling stressed, are more than a little anxious, are worried about how to please everyone and still really-imploringly-desperately want to end up with a day that's all about the Love that You and Your Only Man have for each other, rest assured that you are definitely going to get there! Yes, even though you don't know how right now. Wedding Flowers: How It Emulates Your Personality Your wedding day, what is presumed to be the happiest day and the start of your new life. The excitement of all the preparations, and so many things to do to make it perfection. Celtic Diamond Rings - A Combination of History And Romance The symbolism of Celtic Diamond Rings is relevant to all cultures. Love and friendship intertwined in the Celtic symbols on the ring have relevance to every couple contemplating marriage. How to Have a Sizzler of a Honeymoon! Article No. 6 It wasn't the wedding of the century. Six people in all arrived at St. Wedding Bouquets for Life One of the most beautiful of the bride's adornments at a wedding is the bouquet. Normally constructed of fresh flowers, the wedding bouquet would last for a week or two, and then have to be dried or tossed. Maid of Honor Duties Being chosen as a maid of honor is a great privilege, but it also requires a large number of responsibilities in the wedding planning process. The maid of honor will likely be spending a great deal of time with the best man, since their duties are often the same and require them to work hand-in-hand in order for the wedding to be a success. Wedding Videography - When Getting it Right on the 1st Take Counts, Hire a Professional Getting married is one of the most stressful events anyone will ever endure. So many details and preparations go into the making of a successful wedding. A Wedding Shower Invitation Should Be Attractive And Stylish! Wedding shower invitations should lay out all of the necessary information, yet still be attractive. One way to do this is to have a picture engraved on the invitation. Bachelorette Parties: Fun Alternatives to a Wild Night If bar-hopping and male strippers aren't the bride's idea of a fun time, perhaps you should reconsider her bachelorette party festivities. (I know, I know. The Brides Greatest Ally On Friday, 1st May 1835, Mr Charles Dickens, the creator of "David Copperfield" and "Please, sir, can I have some more?" was the happiest of mortals. He had proposed and had been accepted. 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During the ceremony, it is getting more popular to avoid the traditional bridal music and use a chosen song of love instead. Wedding Invitatation RSVP Cards When it comes to response/RSVP cards, the goal is to get a response. Whether selecting a card with a self-addressed, either by hand or computer printed labels, and pre-stamped envelope or an economic post card with your address on one side and the guest response on the other, do what works best for you. Essential Advice for Your Wedding Day You've been engaged for months, you've made it through planning the ceremony, the attire, the reception, the honeymoon, and you haven't killed each other yet. The worst is over. Planning a Special Wedding Shower The wedding shower is a traditional party of the marriage process. Often times the bridal party, or the people who have been asked to be in the wedding, will through the party for the couple. 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