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Top 5 Wedding Favors and Why
WHAT ARE THE TOP FIVE WEDDING FAVORS AND WHY? At most weddings, the bride and groom will offer some type ofsmall memento as a note of appreciation to family and friends,more commonly known as wedding favors. As you will discover inthis article, the type of favors are widely varied but there aresome that are considered better choices than others. Remember,wedding favors do not have to be expensive. In fact, this typeof gift can be something homemade. If you want to go all out,that is certainly fine, but it is also not necessary. The focusof the wedding favor is to let people know you are grateful fortheir assistance with your wedding and/or reception or that youare just honored they showed up. To help you get started, wehave provided you with the top five wedding favors. Food One of the most popular types of wedding favor is food, simplybecause most people love to eat. A wonderful option that iseasy and inexpensive to make would be to purchase small blackfavor boxes and then line them with white tissue paper. PlaceOreo cookies or dark chocolate covered peanuts inside and thentie the box off with white and red ribbon. Watch everyone enjoythe beautiful box but even more, the delicious goodies inside. This is a very nice choice for both informal and formal weddings. Flower Plant The second of the top five wedding favors is a fresh plant orflower seeds. With this, you can get as creative as you want. A couple of ideas that work very nice is placing a miniatureplant or cacti in a small terra cotta planter. To make thismore personalized, the women (and men) in the wedding partycould get together for lunch to embellish the pots with ribbon,craft paint, lace, and so on. You could also choose a simpleglass container, add three different seed packages, and punch ahole through the upper corner of all three to tie together withribbon. These are appreciated because once planted, they are aconstant reminder of your cherished event. Fragrant Soap For the third of the top five wedding favors, you might alsoconsider fragrant soap or votive candles. For soap, this is alovely wedding favor to place in hotel rooms of out-of-townguests. You can purchase all of the supplies at local hobby orcraft stores and then purchase your fragrant of choice such aslemon grass, watermelon, sandalwood, white ginger, etc. If youprefer, you can purchase pre-made soap or buy glycerin and moldsto make your own. As an extra romantic touch, look at molddesigns such as wedding bells, hearts, bubble designs. Candles Now for the fourth of the top five wedding favors, you can nevergo wrong with votive candles, enjoyed by both men and women. This type of wedding favor can again be purchased through ahobby or craft store or on the Internet. If you prefer, you cancreate your own candles, which involves melting wax, addingcolor and fragrance, and then pouring into approved glass jars. Choose several coordinating colors if you like and for thesimple yet elegant glass jars, add decorative touches such asflowers, ribbon, or trinkets attached with hot glue. Pewter Finally, the last of the five top wedding favors would be pewteror silver. You will find many wonderful choices such as pictureframes, paperweights, and bottle openers. With this type ofgift, you will probably pay a little more but this is a nicegift for a more formal wedding, affluent group list, or membersof the bridal party. Remember, you can choose from hundreds ofwedding favors to include miniature bottles of wine, stationarywith last name and wedding date, golf balls and tees for thesports enthusiasts, and the list goes on and on. Whether you gowith bubbles to be blown as you and your new spouse leave thechurch to creative miniature baskets filled with candles, candyor Jordon's almonds and everything in between, the key is tochoose wedding favors that coordinate with your wedding but thatare also special for your type of guest list. Dion Semeniuk has been married for over 5 years now and has been providing ideas with his wife's help for other peoples weddings. To learn more about other wedding favor ideas, visit http://www.wedding-favor-directory.com
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Wedding gifts are traditionally offered to the newlyweds as tokens of affection and love as well as a means to provide the new couple with starter home supplies. Bridal Shower Games Are Extremely Fun! Bridal shower games are a wonderful way to put your guests at ease and to get the party started! Ideally, bridal shower games should be easy to play and should provide guests with an interactive way to interact with one another in a casual and fun way. Fortunately, there are lots of games you can choose to play. History of the Wedding Favor Box The wedding favor box carries on the timeless tradition established by the early European upper classes, who provided elaborate gifts to party guests. Initially, the gifts were small fancy boxes known as a bonboniere. Cost Effective Weddings Many people believe that weddings have to be costly. But who says that they have to be?All those fancy bridal shops, magazines and adverts on TV, want you to believe that you need to buy the very best of everything to have a good wedding. Affordable Centerpieces for Your Wedding Reception When it comes to decorating your reception tables, the centerpieces for each table play a major role in setting the tone and style of your wedding. They will be one of the major focal point for your guests while they are eating their meal, and spectacular or unique centerpieces can add an element of sophistication or surprise to your event. Is Your Marriage Sinking? Reading this article does not necessarily mean that if you are married then your marriage is sinking. However, if you believe that living under a single roof means you have to compromise with your spouse then your marriage will definitely sink. Low Budget Wedding Reception The reception alone will bust your wedding budget if you're notcareful. Of course, the most obvious way to save money on thereception is to keep it small. How To Choose Your Wedding Cake One of my favorite parts about the wedding, is the cake. Over time many things have changed with weddings, but one thing that stays the same, there is always a beautiful cake. How to Have a Sizzler of a Honeymoon! Article No.1 Henry Vlll and Elizabeth Taylor, who between them had fourteen spouses, would have had quite a few headaches planning their weddings. There would be the obvious ones - Shall I wear white for my marriage to Eddie Fisher? After all, even though this is my fourth wedding I am only 27 and white looks magnificent on me! And the less obvious ones - Should I invite all my ex ex ex wives' relatives to the wedding? For if the truth be known, I've always been more fond of them, than of her. Thoughts from Deik and Kims Wedding, for You and Your Marriage Deik and Kim, remember that marriage is a COVENANT relationship. It is not merely a contract of convenience, nor a promise to live together as long as each still feels good about the other. Saving Money on Your Wedding Reception Using Reception Themes Just like weddings, receptions are often theme based as well. Reception themes are often more relaxed than wedding themes because they are meant to be provided in a party atmosphere. Wedding Budget - What Can You Do To Shave It, Yet Still Have A Memorable Wedding? OK, so you have your heart set on the top banquet facility in the area. The only thing is once you've done that, your wedding budget is shot. Fabulous Wedding Favors For Every Budget Wedding favors are a delightful detail for any wedding shower, wedding reception, or wedding related gathering. There are thousands of things to pick from when it comes to wedding favors and the message you want to convey. Honeymoon Registries: A Guide to Asking for Your Honeymoon as a Wedding Gift Is the cost of your wedding putting the honeymoon of your dreams out of reach? Not to worry; if you already have all the kitchenware and bedding you need, and if you have generous friends and family, your problem might be solved by setting up a honeymoon registry.A honeymoon registry is much like a wedding registry. Planning Your Wedding - How To Get Organized You have purchased the latest bridal magazines from your local grocery store and there are pages and pages of photos of beautiful wedding gowns, rings and articles on weddings. Some give you a brief idea of what you need to do to plan your wedding, but you're still not sure how to begin the process. Requesting the Presence of Your Presents For better or worse, in people's minds weddings and wedding gifts go together like a horse and carriage. Social reformers in the guise of religious reverends and ministers might rail against the excesses practiced by bridal couples, but their words fall on unheeding ears. Understanding Celtic Wedding Rings Thousands of years ago, the Celts, a group of independent tribes spread throughout much of current day Europe, were sophisticated artisans, carving knot work patterns that have inspired modern day jewelers to create wedding rings. These motifs have meaning. ![]() |
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