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Business Partners & Marital Partners Will The Marriage Survive - Part I
With today's economy, and the layoffs occurring as a result of these economic conditions, more and more people are opting to start their own business. Due to the low start up costs, the prevalence of home-based businesses is on the rise, many of these started by husband and wife teams. With the move from the corporate world to the home-based, couples are finding that a new set of problems are occurring. In the corporate arena, two major areas of importance are profits and communication with employees. This is done through evaluations, reviews, meetings, or a company newsletter outlining company policies and news. All administrators realize that a happy and informed employee is more efficient and productive; in effect, increasing their profits. Research on martial separation and divorce indicates two of the main causes of separation and divorce are communication and money, very much like corporate concerns. In the past, spouses worked in their respective jobs, and came home to discuss what was going on in the work place. In effect, they were sounding boards for one another. With the move to the home front, especially with starting up businesses together, the sounding boards are gone. In effect, placing couples in a start-up business can cause a myriad of problems, previously seen only in the corporate world, in addition to the normal stumbling blocks of starting up a business. Too many couples working together are not practicing good communication skills. Lack of communication, can cause one spouse to feel that he or she is carrying all the business and monetary responsibility. Keep Your Marriage Solid If you and your spouse have decided to run a business together, be sure to discuss and outline the following: Delineate responsibility. Decide who is going to handle what business matters. In addition, be sure you both know how to accomplish these functions. Unfortunately, illness occurs - you need to be able to back up each other in all aspects of the business. For example, if one of you does all the bank statements, be sure your spouse understands how this is accomplished, so if necessary, they can also handle this responsibility. If you have a set procedure you follow and a way you want it done, make up an outline, so it is accomplished in the manner you want. Marketing, return calls, daily correspondence, invoicing, weekly and/or monthly expenses, supplies, calendaring, appointments, deposits, bank statements, implementation of the business plan, attendance at meetings (e.g. Chamber mixers, National groups, User groups, etc.) all need to be taken care of. You will have to split these responsibilities between you. Again, be sure you know how each is implemented, so in an emergency, you can back each other up. Delineate responsibilities according to likes and dislikes and who will do the best job. We all have our little niches, and if it is something we like and do well, we can accomplish it better and more efficiently. Once the responsibilities have been delineated, make up a schedule for each item you both need to deal with. Again, you must be able to act as each others back up. Marketing is a major obstacle. Most individuals do not like to use cold calling as a medium to promote their business. Be sure both of you are involved. Do not let one person handle this. In addition, develop a marketing strategy. Will you market daily, weekly, monthly? What kind of marketing will you do-advertising, cold calls, direct mail, etc. Again, be sure you both are involved. This is important because money and marketing are tied together. The more you market, the more aware the marketplace will be of the services you offer. If only one individual is marketing and monies are fluctuating, there is more tension between the partners to make the business successful. No one individual should have to carry this on their shoulders, or perceive that they do. In addition, with both spouses marketing, one person cannot blame the other for the success or failure of the business. The Most Important Tool Remember, the most important tool you both have is communication. Don't expect your spouse to read your mind. Keep the marriage and business separate. It's difficult, especially if you are home-based, but it can be done. If you have a problem with the way your spouse is accomplishing a task in the business environment, discuss it immediately. Do not wait. Do not let this build into anger that is transferred to your personal relationship. Remember that keeping your business and personal relationships separate is very important to the survival of both your business and your marriage. In Part II of this article we will discuss how to implement this strategy. 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Wedding Flowers -- Determining What You Need Wedding flowers make up a large part of the wedding decoration. When you talk about wedding flowers, you don't mean the flowers for the wedding reception only. What Goes Into Wedding Preparation From Your DJ? Exactly what should your disc jockey be doing in the weeks/months prior to your wedding? If you think that they just show up at your reception and are ready to go - you've missed out on what they've been doing to prepare.Typically, your DJ will meet you during the sales stage of things - you get to know him, they get to know what you are looking for. Lingerie Party Ideas: Tips to Help Break the Ice Are you in the process of planning that last special party for the soon to be bride?Before you go strait to the "good stuff", you may want to break the ice with some fun and games. Not only will people feel more comfortable but the event itself will be much more memorable. Organising your Wedding Stationery Of all the things you need to do, buy and organize in preparation for your wedding, wedding stationery is something that must be planned ahead. After all, you need to let your guests know well in advance of your forthcoming big day. Marriage Counseling: What Do Wives Really Want in a Husband? Part One Numerous men have pondered the questions, "Why does my wife say she's unhappy? What does she want that I'm not doing?" Many of the men raising these questions have been blindsided by a wife's confession that she's not happy in the marriage and wants a separation or divorce. I've seen many examples of this dynamic in marriage counseling sessions that I've conducted. Do-It-Yourself Wedding Invitation Guide Think creatively and add a personal touch to your special event with do-it-yourself wedding invitations. When your friends inquire about the invitation designer, you can proudly say you did them yourself, just don't tell them it was easy. Marriage Counseling Advice: Give Your Spouse Space to Breathe and Grow When you're married, the boundaries between yourself and your spouse aren't always clear. For some people, marriage brings the expectation of spending as much time as possible with a spouse and doing most things together. A Wedding For All Seasons In times gone by it wasn't uncommon for young couples to consult the Tarot as to what month of the year according to the stars would be their best time to wed, this would depend on what time of year their sun or moon sign was inline with Venus the goddess of love, which I would take as a positive sign, and so on. Personally I would like to think that the longevity of a marriage would depend on the love of you and your partner and not on the date you get married. Cost Effective Weddings Many people believe that weddings have to be costly. But who says that they have to be?All those fancy bridal shops, magazines and adverts on TV, want you to believe that you need to buy the very best of everything to have a good wedding. The Second Time - Another White Wedding? That first wedding was a dream, a gorgeous long white wedding dress, a beautiful church, luscious bridesmaids and the groom in tails. Plus all the trimmings and a heavenly reception and a great honeymoon. Atlanta Wedding Receptions The beginning of the journey of two souls begins with their vows on their wedding day and thus a wedding should be perfect, flawless and blissful. Everything right from the table linen to the food, the venue and especially the wedding gown has to be perfectly arranged with meticulous effort. Searching For A Discount Mother Of The Bride Dress You can look fabulous at your daughter's wedding in a discount mother of the bride dress. There's no need to spend a lot of money on an expensive dress if you don't have to. Anniversary Gifts and Perfumes How many times has your anniversary come around and you quickly rush out to buy something, anything from a myriad of anniversary gifts and perfumes available.Everyone has probably been there, waiting until the last minute and then feeling a little guilty because the gift didn't quite say what you wanted it to say. Loose Moissanite Stones, A Great Way to Buy Your Moissanite Jewelry Moissanite is fast becoming the new diamonds. The newest jewelry stone on the market, moissanite is fashionable. Renewing Your Marriage Vows - On the Right Side of the Law Movies, sitcoms and soapies made in the United States could mislead Australian couples into inadvertently breaking the law when they renew their marriage vows.In various countries in the world, including the United States, it may not be illegal to go through a form of marriage ceremony if you are already married to each other. Do We Still Need Wedding Traditions? Traditionally at weddings the speechs are made after the wedding dinner but do the speech makers really enjoy their meal? I have been to weddings where the best man could not eat his dinner because of nerves!!Traditions come into being when many people do the same thing over and over again so by definition we can start our own traditions to suit the times in which we live. So when it comes to speaking and eating at a wedding then why not reverse the order and let everyone enjoy their meal!!Now more than ever before we stand up for the right to express our individuality so why on one of our most precious of days do we feel bound by the past and what is traditional? Our wedding day should be an expression of who we are, of who these two people are and how they are going to mix. Here Comes the Bride As we hear the music begin to play the Bridal March, we all stand to welcome the new bride as she walks down the aisle in her white gown looking perfect, not a thing out of place.Not too long ago, I saw a photo of a bride on her wedding day getting ready to make this once in a life time journey down the aisle. New Findings on Happiness Have Implications for Rocky Marriages Not only do individuals who follow Time Magazine's "Eight Steps Toward a More Satisfying Life" suggestions (Time, January 17, 2005, p. A8-A9) increase their own level of happiness, they also increase the odds that they can keep their marriage. How To Keep Love Growing Through All The Ups And Downs The relationship expert on i.village. Making a Budget For Your Wedding Just the thought of all the expenses that come with a wedding, can really put a damper on the most important day of your life, especially when you need to work within a financial frame of X dollars. To avoid the stress of facing too many decisions all at once, try making a budget for your wedding. ![]() |
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