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How You Answer This Question Can Change Your Marriage
Imagine the following scenario. Your spouse has given you an important letter to mail and is counting on you to mail it on your way to work. But you slip up...you forget all about it until you're on the way home. "Oh, #$@!!" is your first reaction. You know the spouse will be upset. You frantically search the car and your briefcase for the letter, but it's gone. You can't find it anywhere. Now what do you do? What will you tell your spouse when you get home and he (or she) asks you if you mailed the letter? Will you say, "It got lost" or will you say, "I lost it"? Your answer to this question gives insight into your willingness to accept responsibility for your actions. According to Sidney J. Harris, "We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until ...we have stopped saying 'It got lost,' and say 'I lost it.'" As long as you avoid taking responsibility for your actions or you look for reasons to avoid admitting you goofed, you're not being honest with yourself. When you accept responsibility and stop rationalizing and blaming, then you can start to focus on what you can do differently that will produce different results next time. This is not easy to do. Especially if you're in the habit of placing blame elsewhere. Accepting responsibility in a marriage takes courage, above all when a spouse is at fault. Mark, a long-time procrastinator, always had a list of reasons why he hadn't been able to get around to doing the house maintenance chores. It was too cold or too hot, he was too tired,or he didn't have the right tools or enough time. He would always promise to do the chores another day. Mark's behavior greatly irritated his wife Anne,and she began to resent his constant excuses. It wasn't until Anne expressed her dissatisfaction with their marriage, giving Mark's habitual procrastination as one of the reasons,that Mark really looked closely at how his behavior was hurting his marriage relationship. In marriage counseling sessions, he learned to take responsibility for his part in what happened each day. He also learned to pay attention to the words he selected to describe what happened. Mark learned that when he said, "There wasn't enough time to fix the faucet," he often really meant, "I didn't schedule enough time to complete the job today." And if he went a step further and was even more honest, he also meant,"I don't really want to do this, so I'm putting it off." Once Mark was more aware of his behavior patterns, he was able to have an honest talk with Anne. He told her that while he didn't mind doing some of the repair jobs, he really didn't want to have to spend the time the others would require. They talked it over and decided to hire someone to do the repairs Mark knew he would in all probability never get around to doing. He made a resolution not to make promises unless he really planned to keep them. He also resolved to be honest with Anne upfront instead of dragging things out for months. These changes made a major difference in Mark and Anne's relationship. Anne didn't feel like "the nagging wife" any longer, and Mark didn't mislead her by making false promises. Less friction in the marriage allowed them time to focus on each other's good points and to enjoy more harmony in their relationship. Nancy J. Wasson, Ph.D., is co-author of Keep Your Marriage: What to Do When Your Spouse Says "I don't love you anymore!" This is available as an e-book at http://www.KeepYourMarriage.com ,where you can also sign up for the free Keep Your Marriage Internet Magazine. Nancy can be contacted at Nancy@KeepYourMarriage.com.
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Is Conflict Healthy in Marriage? Today my three-year-old daughter told my husband that she wants to be married. When he asked her why, she replied, "Because you get to be nice to one another". Let Your Wedding Flowers Speak the Language of Love Congratulations! You have found the man of your dreams and are getting married. What a wonderful time in your life - full of promise, hope, and happiness. How to Have a Sizzler of a Honeymoon! Article No. 10 What about this business of food for lovers? Is it possible that if you eat this, that or the other thing, your time in bed with your partner will be more satisfyingly active? And is this food only designed for men, or is there something out there in the world to kick-start those lazy, inert women, as well?Without trying to unravel the debate of nature versus nurture, the subject of food for lovers always seemed to be of more importance to men than women.In the medieval times, when the master in the manor fed on deer haunches, partridge wings and boars' entrails, while his peasant tenant avoided starvation by whatever means he could, just being well fed was enough to activate the procreating process. Free Wedding Planning Guide and Checklist With so much to do, every bride needs a surefire way to get organized and stay on track as she countsdown toward that all-important day. Here's a guide and checklist you won't want to be without. Fifteen Fabulous Favors The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating (or choosing) wedding favors. Take a look at the list below for fifteen fabulous ideas. Creative Wedding Cards You invitation is a reflection on the type of wedding its going to be weather it be formal, informal or themed this will be transparent in the invitation. The invitation is the only essential stationary required everything else is optional. Unique Mens Wedding Bands; For When Common Won't Do Wedding rings are a symbol of union. A union between a man and a woman. Hey, Where Do I Put My Speakers? Unique Venues Require Unique DJs If your wedding or party is being held in a unique facility with specific acoustic issues (multiple rooms, indoor/outdoors, echo issue, broken up ceiling surface, in a tent, etc.) then you need to educate yourself. Choosing Your Wedding Rings One of the most important steps in planning your wedding, is choosing the wedding ring set. Finding the right rings could actually be considered the most critical part of your ceremony actually, because the wedding bands will be worn by the bride and groom for the rest of their lives. Moissanite Bridal Rings -True Choice Of The Young Heart What best way can a bride think of rising to the very special occasion in her life, if that occasion does not have the glitter of jewelry in it! Brides today need not despair and give up hope if diamonds are outside their reach. Welcome to the world of moissanite bridal rings! Wondering what the price of moissanite bridal rings could be? Smile. Mattresses and Marriage - a Match Made in Heaven Mattresses and marriage go hand in hand. Sleep is important to all of us, even the honeymooners. Beyond Her Grasp I am a woman, 42, who three years ago married a wonderful man who will be 48 on his next birthday. I love him very, very much. Las Vegas Elvis Weddings Got a yen for Elvis? Lots of people do. There are many variations on the theme - and each and every one of them is available in Las Vegas and only in Las Vegas. Why Hire A Wedding Designer? As couples begin thinking about their wedding, they are often confused over how much to spend, where to obtain specialized services, and how to choose vendors. These worries often mount as quickly as the cost of the wedding. Wedding and Bridal Jewelry So your not one of those fabulous actresses or models who has the luxury of the finest gems and diamonds being loaned to them by the likes of Harry Wintson.No matter, you can add a little sparkle and look extra-ordinaire in your gown on your wedding day. Mexico Honeymoon Vacations Mexico, a country rich in arts and ancient cultures and strategically located between Guatemala and the United States is a perfect destination for a romantic Mexico honeymoon vacation. This beautiful land of sunshine, clear blue seas, crystal-white beaches, high and impressive mountains and volcanoes and jungles of exotic wildlife provides honeymooners with lots to see and do. Are Wedding Decorations Waiting in Your Future? If there are wedding bells in your future, then surely there are wedding decorations as well. Or, maybe you are looking for Easter decorations, baby shower decorations, or even prom decorations? For some good ideas on any party decorations, just check online!When you are planning a party, no matter how big or small you will want to use decorations to make the atmosphere what you want it to be. The History of the White Wedding Dress As a youngster -- or perhaps even as an adult -- have you ever sat dreamily imagining yourself in a fairytale wedding dress, about to marry your very own Prince Charming? And, what colour is the wedding dress? The chances are it's a white one. Millions of girls and women that dream of the perfect marriage have a vision of the perfect white wedding dress in their minds. Tips for Choosing the Right Wedding The job of choosing the right wedding cake style is the responsibility of both the future bride and groom. The style of cake you'll choose will largely depend on the wedding theme and the size of the wedding. Men's Moissanite Wedding Rings To Beat Other Gifts Any Day Whoever said diamonds are women's best friends, surely missed on mentioning men! Believe it or not, men too go bonkers over these sparks. When it comes to the glitters, man or woman, there's no exception! So if your man's crazy about the ember, men's moissanite wedding rings would just be a perfect wedding gift for him. ![]() |
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